
Segment Information

Segment   Main businesses
Real Estate Real Estate Department Management of commercial facilities and various real estate leasing, development and use of company-owned land
Pharmaceuticals Toa Eiyo Ltd. Manufacturing and sales of pharmaceuticals (cardiovascular pharmaceuticals)
Machinery Nihon Kikai Kogyo Co., Ltd. Manufacturing and sale of fire trucks, etc.
Textiles Ogran Japan Co., Ltd. Planning, manufacturing and sales of various undergarments, at-home wear, etc.
Nitivy Co., Ltd. Manufacturing and sales of functional fibers
Others Real Estate Department Crossbreeding honeybees, production and sales of domestic honey, operation of specialty stores for plants and pets
Katakura Caron Service Corp. Tree planting, cleaning, etc.

Business Segment Sales


(Million Yen)


(Million Yen)


(Million Yen)

Real Estate

(Million Yen)


(Million Yen)

Please note the following:

  • This site will not be immediately updated if correction of earnings data and others are announced.
  • Retroactive revision of related financial indicators due to stock split, etc. is not reflected.
  • Frequency of updates may vary due to changes in earnings report format.

The data used within this site is compiled from the earnings announcements.
In the preparation of the various data shown within this site, we make every effort to ensure its accuracy. But despite our best efforts, the possibility for inaccuracy in the data due to reasons beyond our control exists.
For more detailed earnings information please see the Reference Material.
